Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The beginning...

I knew I had been gaining weight. I knew it when I looked in the mirror and I knew it when I put on my clothes. I was a full time graduate student and I worked two other jobs. There was no time to cook and when there was time, I was studying or sleeping.

People told me: "Quit making excuses." "There is always time. You just have to make it." "You just aren't dedicated enough." I have heard it all. Did I listen? 


I was happy. I had a beautiful group of friends and we bonded over meals in the office at 3 am and over going to Walmart at midnight to buy more chocolate to keep us awake for finals and lesson planning and grading. 

Fast forward a year and a half and I graduated with my Master's degree and found a job teaching. Can we just pause here for a moment and say HOLY CRAP! I had NO IDEA how much work teaching was. In school, it just looked like teachers sat behind a desk while we did the hard work. Lesson plans, grading, professional learning, evaluations, preparing for observations, IEP meetings, documentation... My mind was blown. I felt like I was always behind with a million things to do. I had goals in the back of my head that I wanted to get healthy and start eating better. However, I failed as a first year teacher and I ran to the vending machine to grab a bag of chips for lunch or kept a dollar around to buy a candy bar from one of my kids just to tide me over. I always said: "I'll start next week and get serious." Did it happen?


Fast forward to January. I got serious. I joined the gym and started working hard. I ate healthy and enough. I had my gym buddy who held me accountable and I didn't have my first cheat day until March. On my first weigh in day,  my gym buddy had lost 21 pounds! She looked fantastic! I got on the scale and I felt so excited to see how far I had come!  My loss? Two measly pounds.

I got incredibly discouraged. I continued to work out but I did not care as much if I ate healthy. I mean, honestly. Three MONTHS and no big changes? Ridiculously frustrating.

Now we're talking summer time. Bathing suit? Absolutely not. I don't live far from Savannah so beach trips are inevitable. The feeling of being around your fit boyfriend and his friends while you're the beached whale on the beach? Horrible. 

So I got serious. 

I worked my butt off to lose weight. I spent my life on Pinterest searching for recipes, work outs, buying healthy food. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Phentermine which I took for far too long and lost some weight on it. Then my body got used to it and I plateaued again with a total of 17 lbs gone. I did it for two more months by myself with NO weight loss and NO inches lost.

Now we're here. Present day. I started Advocare 17 days ago because a friend did it. She lost 6lbs and 12 inches, but she was already skinny. I'm glad that she felt better about herself, which is what she needed, but I didn't think much of it because she was fit, skinny, and healthy. I know this because I shared an office with her for two years and she is one of my best friends. She kept on and on and I got more and more frustrated with my inability to lose weight and I finally broke down. I surrendered and I spent $297.13 on this Advocare and committed. (I am the type of person who adheres to a program when I spend money on it. I am cheap.)

Before I decided to bite the bullet, I researched it for real reviews; not those fake reviews that people pay to have for their company and all I found were reviews from distributors who wanted to make money. I wanted real reviews from real people like me and that's what I'm going to give you: real results and real feelings. Everything I have felt for the past 17 days documented just for you, just in case you're looking to buy it or not.

So far?

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